Is there a name for this type of wax? - picture of brazilian waxed
I look forward to my wax hockey coach last year was that we use for our hockey sticks too. We have another coach, so obviously you can not ask what I ask here.
There were some blocks with approximate dimensions: 0.5x3x2 inches. It was a milky white. I have a similar picture here Google: ... But the guy was a little clearer.
I looked like wax on eBay, but I found, were Brazil and wax candles, lol. So finally, to help ensure that this category would be too much?
Thank you.
PS It's wax, not hockey.
It looks like wax. The same liquid to remove the hair on your body.
They use it for taking on the tree or a blade? If that is the way, is used regardless of the type of wax, your attempts to help the tape in the dry, powdered baby also works
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